Thursday, July 24, 2008

Spell Hit: DOnt need it....NOT!

I walked into Gruul's lair with a bit of nervousness. Would we be able to defeat this awe inspiring creature? What great treasure would we find inside? Our group huddled together to discuss any last minute strategy that we would want to employ to get through the epic battle to come. Then the fight commenced. The beast was held at bay by our awesome warriors and paladains as those of use who had the use of arcane powers pummeled the beast with epic amounts of energy. Or were we?? As the fight dragged on, I noticed that I was becoming quite weary and was on the last bit of power that I could dredge up. Finally me and my hardy companions manage to down Gruul but the fight was a bit unnerving. With the raw power we had, Gruul, although a formidable opponent,should not have been so difficult to overcome....

I did not come into the idea of spell hit until later in the game when I was already raiding Kara. I was doing ok damage and I seemed to be doing my job so I never thought that (ohter than hot tiered gear) I could improve my performance. Au contraire! ( I hope I spelled that right:) ) After someone pointed out that I only hit somewhere about 75% of the time, I suddenly became QUITE aware that I needed to do something about my spell hit rating and QUICK!

Spell hit is a function of many different factions. It concerns your lvl, your target's lvl, and any intervening factions like buffs, any talents your have trained down in, and any buffs or auras. Resistance is a totally seperate issue in that for a spell to be resisted, the spell has to hit! I think that this is common misunderstanding that can easily be dispelled:) (Double entaundre there:)

So, in a nutshell, the higher the lvl the enemy you are facing, the less chance you have to hit it. Also consider that, as a max, the best that you can achieve as a spell caster is 99%. Believe me, that is a number that you want to aspire to!

I am not going into the exact math of spell hit. It has been done for you quite well at and plus I find it boring. They explain it in depth which gave me a more comprehensive understanding. Also there is a list of things and items that will bump that spell hit rating up to where your party and guild need it to be.

I have got to share this factoid about elemental shamans (since I have one) and spell hit rating. Did you know that if two elemental shamans are in the same group in a raid that with the stacking of Wrath of Air and elemental precision that with a +0 spell hit rating will give each other the +38 spell hit rating that they need for them both to get a 99%spell hit rating. Interesting...

So....dont be fooled by that little number on your character sheet to touts the huge plus damage that you may cause. If you cant reach that monster with your spell, you are't going to cause ANY damage. And that would suck.



Babygorn said...

As an addendum, ALL casters need to look at their spell hit rating not just mages:)

Brehm said...

It seems from available information on Wrath that Blizzard is also merging "hit rating" that rogues, druids, enhancement shamans, warriors and hunters use with "spell hit rating" used by the offensive casters. Something similar seems to be happening with "crit rating" and "spell crit rating." So, your friendly neighborhood jewelcrafters won't have to learn quite so many gem cuts.

One other note, not that it applies to mages or other offensive casters, but healing spells can't miss so resto druids, resto shamans, holy paladins and holy priests can safely ignore (spell) hit rating.

Babygorn said...

I meant to those of us who cast offensive spells against enemies. You shouldnt havee TO HIT your own party! :)

K said...

There's a fine line between enough and too much spell hit rating. Getting it EXACTLY where you want it to be is hard. It's somewhere at 16% where you want it to be. Anything higher and you're wasting points.

I have three sets of gear on Kikidas. For raid bosses, I have a gear set that gets me to 202 spell hit rating, and as high of a spell damage as I can get (somewhere in the neighborhood of 1200 unbuffed). I have a trash set that's high crit and high damage, but 'lowish' on hit rating.
I have a middle of the road set that I use for heroics and instances, that has decent spell hit rating and nice damage and nice crit rating.

At least it isn't as extreme as carrying around gear for a druid. Oy.

Spell hit for healers isn't necessary, no... but damnit, it's annoying to see your SW:P never sticking! ><

Babygorn said...

As I said....ALL spell casters need to LOOK at their spell hit...just to be aware:)