Now that I am into this bloggin thing I feel the need to get a couple of posts down to get SOME material down so that all of you knowledgeable peeps out there can give a shout out and share/provide tips and info to us to make the game more enjoyable. I know that I have learned many things from blog sites, fellow guildies, pugs (not that often but it DOES happen) and so on. So today I would like to talk about aggro and the monkey on our mage's back.
Having played a fire mage for the first three years ans still somewhat leaning on my prowess with the flames, I know that mages, espicially fire, are spikey little critters that seem to all of a sudden to be fighting the tank for superiority on the aggro list. My motto that I coined about 2 years ago goes like this: " A dead mage has no aggro; nor do they create dps." You can make the effect of aggro a little less if you do a couple of things preemptively.
1)Invisable-dumps all aggro from the mage. On the surface it seems like that this would be the end all-be all of the worry of aggro. But try casting it when you have 5 scorches up ticking damage, a POM pyroblast ticking off damage, and any other little trick you may have up your sleave. The 5 seconds that it takes to cast and then go into invisability now seems forever. I suggest casting it once or twice during LONG boss fights. That way you can always open up and not worry too much. You may take a little hit on the dps meters but see above mentioned motto.
2) Mana Shield- not an aggro dump but it is a way that if you get aggro, this might buy you a little time to cast invisability. I have successfully used this when I have become a little bit of an, uh, overacheiver.
3) MANAGE YOUR AGGRO- This is the most surefire way to never get your fire little buns into trouble with aggro. Yes I know that we all want to put out the damage but, again, see my motto. Give the tank, espicially in a 5 man group, some time to build up aggro. Dont cast your big ticket spells right away. COMMON sense ppl. I dont want another repair bill. Fat chance, huh?
4) THreart meters-there are several out there that work. See what your guild supports.
5)Know your toon-this should be self evident but is it? Do you know your playing style? DO you know what each spell does? Is it a DoT or straight damage? Your team my depend on you having and embracing this knowledge.
I have played with people that really dont care when they start casting, what they cast, who is in the party, etc. In our guild, in a 5 man, the quote, "You spank it, you tank it" is often uttered to those you challenge the aggro of our tanks. Nuff said.
Rock On!
Using Crowd Control doesn't mean you're "weak"
I heard a tank say the other day in a heroic PUG "Do we need CC or is the
healer good?"
Excuse me, what? Whether we need CC or not has some to do with me, ...
13 years ago
5)Know your toon-this should be self evident but is it? Do you know your playing style? DO you know what each spell does? Is it a DoT or straight damage? Your team my depend on you having and embracing this knowledge.
I've found that "know your toon" and "know your tank" are kissing cousins :)
A lot of what I will be writing about parlays to other classes. I agree that knowing one's toon is crucial not matter WHAT class you play:)
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