Mages have to, in certain circumstances, look around and assess many situations. Which mob to sheep, which would be the best spell to cast, should they use invisibility because their threat is too high, etc. Given this, it takes an aware person to be a mage with phenomenal powers of observation.....well maybe not phenomenal but maybe just a basic ability to look at facts and make their own decisions.
Facts: things that can be proven. There are people I know that assume that others just aren't as aware as they are. So that the decisions they make are faulty because they are either made out of peer pressure or out of emotion. a decision made on facts in an emotional state of mind automatically wrong? I don't think that is valid logic. I think it is prejudicial and possibly dangerous.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: To all of you who read my blog: I do not go out of my way to flame people or to talk negatively about people to whom I am associated with. I hate no one in the game (severely have issues with some but none that would read this blog:) All two of you:)). To me, a flame is blatant blast of vitriol towards a named person(s). I do not support flaming nor do I respond to it. I do support, however, the right to state opinions and to make your thoughts known in a polite, if mabe an aggressive, way. This, I promise will end this series of blogs. I will go back to the more humourous, if not pompas, mage you have come to know and maybe, in a certain way, to appreciate.
Rock On!
Using Crowd Control doesn't mean you're "weak"
I heard a tank say the other day in a heroic PUG "Do we need CC or is the
healer good?"
Excuse me, what? Whether we need CC or not has some to do with me, ...
13 years ago
1 comment:
There's nothing wrong with listening to your feelings, especially if your feelings consistently tell you the same thing. :)
Ever get that creepy feeling from the wierd guy behind the counter at the deli?
Yeah, don't buy meat from him. O.o
In regards to myself, I'm an emotional rollercoaster on my best days. I try to not function that way, but there it is. I'm a girl. Hormones suck. :P I'm an Italian and a Scorpio... catch me during the wrong part of the week and you'll be lucky I don't chew your arm off because I want a donut. ><
To counterbalance my self assessed emotional instability, I've taken years to develop the ability to take a step back and a few deep breaths before I do what my emotions are screaming at me to do. I don't always SUCCEED and it's led to some truly SPECTACULAR fights... but that I can do it at all is probably what kept me married (that and a husband who is insanely forgiving of me.)... and out of jail! I'm violent. :)
If this is in response to my blog, I understand your point of view! My blog is what your blog is. My point of view. :) My take on situations and my opinion of life and how it operates. :) I don't assume I'm right just because it's me.
(Well, okay, I do, but there's a German phrase, Weltanschauung, that is a whole philosophy about personal world views and truths. It wouldn't be my opinion if I didn't believe it was right. Just like it wouldn't be your opinion if you didn't think it was right.)
My opinion can differ from anyone elses, and we're both right. We're both stating our self truths. :) It's just how people work.
Two people can watch the same accident happen in the road and have different reports as to what happened. It's a verifiable truth. Police officers run across it all the time.
That's all I was trying to get at. Like I said in my blog, I can think I'm writing something nice, simple and hopefully something that can't be misconstrued, and I always get the 'What did you just say' vibe from the people I'm talking to.
Maybe I'm just crazy and that explains why my "simple" statements make people feel like I'm talking jabberwocky. :)
I hope I didn't give you the opinion that I want you to stop posting or something. Hardly! I'm all for free speech and stating of opinions and all that jazz. I certainly speak my mind often enough. :)
Without the ability to speak your mind, the world would be a very boring and tiring place, I think. Not to mention very frustrating for the people who are told they should just be quiet and sit down.
My dad tried that tactic on me. I don't think I spoke to him for a year or something. Of course, I was in highschool at the time, and everyone knows high school kids are so very emo. :) I was a trifle difficult teenager for my father to handle. We're both very similar in temperment, which meant that oh God, did we FIGHT... but I digress!
I find it sad that there exist places in the world today where people can't express their opinion at all and I'd never wish to give the impression that I want anyone to retract their opinion or statement or ... anything!
I love you as you are, Baby! And don't ever change. :)
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