Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Mage Quest.....

Waiting in Blade's Edge for the rest of her party was always a nervous proposistion for Babygorn. Several times she has been into the lair of Gruul and it never gets any less nerve wracking for her. She knew what was inside and that, in itself, was nerve wracking enough. Even with seasoned explorers that had agreed to journey together on this expedition, you hardly knew what or even when something would go wrong.

Checking her packs she made sure that she all the necessary potions and food that she would need to heighten her already strong abilities. Being a child of magic, particularly of the arcane school, she wanted any advantage that she could gain against the guards that she would encounter. She even carried a few extra oils for her friends. There was no room for doubt in this case. And she wanted her friends to be prepared too.

"Been waiting long?" Baby turned around and saw that Bremagorn had just landed on his mount and was walking towards her. A warm feeling welled up inside. Though dwarfs were known to be rough and irritable (Bremagorn was no exception), he had a deep sense of right and would defend his frineds to the end.

"Brem!" Baby rushed forward to hug the dwarf who returned her embrace warmly. "You know I get here early to settle my nerves!" Baby admonished him.

"That's my Baby! Always with the itchy casting finger." Brem laughed as he sent his mount back to the stables. He started the same pre-exploration item check that Baby had just completed. Looking satisfied with the situation he looked up and said, "Do you think we aree ready for this?" Bremagorn a a rare serious look to his demeanor.

" Are we ever truly ready?" Baby said as she peered deeply into the tunnel entrance......

To be continued...

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